8BeatStory Wikia

Items are collected as rewards from playing lives, event rewards, login bonuses, or given by Chronus as special presents.

Evolution Items[]

These items are used to evolve members in evolving lectures. Each has its own rarity, which determines how many of it you will need to evolve a card. You may earn them by either using event points or performing lives.

  • SeedOfSound Icon Seed of Sound:
  • LeafOfSound Icon Leaf of Sound: ★★
  • BudOfSound Icon Bud of Sound: ★★★
  • FlowerOfSound Icon Flower of Sound: ★★★★
  • CrystalOfSound Icon Crystal of Sound: ★★★★★

Item to Evolving N Card

  • SeedOfSound Icon Seed of Sound: ★ 6X

Item to Evolving R Card

  • SeedOfSound Icon Seed of Sound: ★12X
  • LeafOfSound Icon Leaf of Sound: ★★ 6X
  • BudOfSound Icon Bud of Sound: ★★★ 1X

Item to Evolving SR Card

  • LeafOfSound Icon Leaf of Sound: ★★ 12X
  • BudOfSound Icon Bud of Sound: ★★★ 6X
  • FlowerOfSound Icon Flower of Sound: ★★★★ 1X

Item to Evolving UR Card

  • BudOfSound Icon Bud of Sound: ★★★ 12X
  • FlowerOfSound Icon Flower of Sound: ★★★★ 6X
  • CrystalOfSound Icon Crystal of Sound: ★★★★★ 1X

Strengthening Items[]

These items can be used to perform strengthening lessons. They can be obtained by performing lives during Strengthening Program Time, as event rewards, from the rare item drops in bit festa events, from friend pt gacha, or from the premium shop.

  • StrengthProgC Icon Strengthening Program C: Gives the strengthened member 1000 EXP
  • StrengthProgB Icon Strengthening Program B: Gives the strengthened member 3000 EXP
  • StrengthProgA Icon Strengthening Program A: Gives the strengthened member 9000 EXP
  • StrengthProgS Icon Strengthening Program S: Gives the strengthened member 15000 EXP
  • SkillMic Icon Skill Up Mic: When used, there is a chance for the strengthened member's skill level to increase.
  • SkillMic+ Icon Skill Up Mic+: When used, there is a higher chance for the strengthened member's skill level to increase.

Stamina Recovery Items[]

These items are used to recover stamina so you can play more songs. They can be obtained by performing lives during Strengthening Program Time while a bit festa event is in progress, as event rewards, from the rare item drops in bit festa events, from friend pt gacha, or from the premium shop.

  • EnergyBullLow Icon Energy Bull Low: Restores 10 stamina
  • EnergyBullHigh Icon Energy Bull High: Restores 20 stamina
  • EnergyBullEX Icon Energy Bull EX: Restores 30 stamina

Gacha Tickets[]

Gacha tickets are used to perform gacha pulls. Each will give you one card. They can be obtained as event rewards or by completing achievements (homework) in the class journal.

They expire after 15 days of ownership.

  • SRGachaTicket Icon SR Gacha Ticket: Pulls for an SR card
  • URGachaTicket Icon UR Gacha Ticket: Pulls for a UR card
  • SRGachaTicketPlus Icon SR Ticket Plus: Gives a 70% chance of getting an SR and 30% of getting a UR card.
  • URGachaTicketMini Icon UR Ticket Mini: Get eight and you can swap them for a UR ticket. (no expiry)

Level Limit Breakers[]

The level limit breakers can be used to increase the maximum level of a evolved card. There is a unique item for each of the eight girls which can only be used on their cards. They can be obtained from item roulette in the premium shop, as event rewards or as login bonus.

R cards gain 10 levels per item, SR cards gain 5 levels per item, and UR cards gain 2 levels per item.

There is a maximum 10 level increase on a card.

Other Items[]

  • RoomExpansion Icon Room Expansion: Increases the member limit by 5 (obtained as event rewards or by completing achievements (homework) in the class journal).