8BeatStory Wikia

If you're just trying to work out a specific card's skill and you're browsing on a desktop computer, you might want to just find your card in the card list and hover over its skill name there for a translation.

Live Skills[]

Each card in the game with a rarity of R or higher has a special skill which will activate at certain intervals while you play lives with them on your team. These skills help you to score higher or achieve higher combos.

'+' versions of these skills also exist. They work the same as the regular versions, but are more powerful (activate more often or have more of an effect).

Types of Live Skill[]

Note that there are several forms the _a_ marker can take in these skill descriptions:
  • __ combo (__COMBO連成)
  • __ seconds (__秒)
  • __ rhythm icons (リズムアイコン__個)
  • __ perfects (PERFECT__回)

Score Up:
Every _a_, there is a _b_% chance that the score earned for all _c_ notes in the next _d_ seconds will increase by _e_%


Combo Up:
Every _a_, there is a _b_% chance that the combo bonus will increase by _d_% for _c_ seconds


Combo Continuation:
Every _a_, there is a _b_% chance that all _c_ notes in the next _d_ seconds will not break your combo


Judgement Enhancement:
Every _a_, there is a _b_% chance that all _c_ notes in the next _d_ seconds will become perfects


Life Recovery:
Every _a_, there is a _b_% chance that your life will be restored by _c_


Score Plus:
Every _a_, there is a _b_% chance that your score will increase by _c_% of your team's combined strength value


Life Guard:
Every _a_, there is a _b_% chance any _c_ notes in the next _d_ seconds won't reduce your life


Leader Effects[]

Every SR or rarer card in the game has a special effect that activates when they are the leader of the team used on a song. The effect of the guest leader chosen when starting a live is also applied to your team.

These effects provide a boost to the stats of cards with an attribute matching the leader (i.e. a cool card's effect will affect cool cards, etc.).

Types of Leader Effect[]

Leader effects names take the form of "_a_×_b_UP".
Their effect takes the form of "_a_ members' _c_ increases by _d_%".

_a_ is a type of attribute - cute, cool, or fine. It always matches the card's attribute.
_b_ is either "all" or one of the card stat types - perform, vocal, visual, and life.
_c_ is the same as _b_, unless it's "all", in which case _c_ is "combined strength".
